The USB Platform Interoperability Lab (PIL) is available for assistance with USB4 product development. The lab is open for USB-IF members only.  USB-IF members who wish to utilize the USB Platform Interoperability Lab must complete the USB PIL Lab Visit Request Form and Vendor Info File and submit both to admin@usb.org where a Test ID (TID) will be assigned to each product and an appointment date will be scheduled.

PIL slots can be scheduled for certification testing or information only testing.  PIL will allocate staff to run all certification tests for a certification slot.  For an information only slot, PIL staff will be available for questions and testing demonstration, but it is assumed that the vendor will provide an engineer to run tests and debug failures. 

Confidentiality Policy

We remind each attendee that your company (including for its employees, consultants, or other persons acting on your company’s behalf) has already agreed and is bound to the USB-IF Policy regarding Confidential Information. Among other things, this policy requires confidential treatment of “information learned or obtained through compliance programs or testing,” which includes your participation in testing at the PIL. Please note that other companies may be present and that information about those companies’ activities or products should be handled with appropriate confidentiality. Beginning September 2017 PIL will routinely be scheduled with more than one test slot at a time.  If you have questions about this please contact admin@usb.org.